The romans invaded kilikia and the people said they were worthy of being ruled by a king do Lucullus granted this and told them to choose a king,this they did and the roman's happily accepted his kingship of kilikia, which is part of Cappadocia. Sinope was a metropolis and was surrounded by fine gardens. Fishing for pelymades and dolphins took place in some ports. Strabo was born in Amaseia. Various rivers run through the region including Halys. Mt Argaios is the highest and on a clear day you can see both the Issus gulf and the Pontos.
The Heptakometians were a savage crew. Mossynoccians hung out in trees and towers called mosynoi and when passers by came near they would swing down and attack them. The romans were often attacked. The Heptakometians cut down three if Pompeius' maniples. Nasty. Supposedly they were tempted by jars of drugged honey and when this was consumed by weary travellers they were weakened and easily beaten. Tricky Heptakometians.
Komana in Cappadocia was the location of the sanctuary at Enyo where Orestes and his sister Iphigenia left the hair of mourning which with the word for hair being 'kome' and that is why Komana is so named.
Kilikia is volcanic and hot. Many fire pits were perilous and people and animals fell in occasionally. The fires on the Marsh were seen a lot. The area does have forest and boxwood was popular.
The Romans annexed the area after defeating Antiochus VIII.
Near Tyana in Kastabala at the sanctuary dedicated to Artemis they say the priestesses walked with bare feet on hot coals. Alternately they say the rocks of the promontory are too spikey to walk on bare foot.
Zenodotos wrote that there is a race of wild mules roaming Enete. Some of the rivers were dammed but a few catastrophes took place. Romans recompensed. People's belongings and towns were washed far downstream. Another Herakleion was here.
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